Some of the Core Concepts of BASHAR from the Essassani Civilization - Part 1

Some of the Core Concepts of BASHAR from the Essassani Civilization - Part 1

Some of the Core Concepts of Bashar from the Essassani Civilization

Some of the Core Concepts of
from the Essassani Civilization
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Bashar is a male member of a 5th dimensional civilization called the Essassani. This is an "informal" "unofficial" concentrated summary by Iasos of some of the core concepts of Bashar, based on listening to innumerable recordings of his talks, and also reading his two books "Quest for Truth" and "Bashar: Blueprint for Change". The entire Essassani civilization is based on unconditional love, ecstasy, fun, following your excitement, being totally non-judgmental, and giving validity and equality to the uniqueness of each individual in their society. Even the Pleiadians look up to the Essassani civilization as being exceptionally spiritually-advanced. Bashar - as experienced from the recordings of the channelings - is extremely enthusiastic - almost to the point of seeming cartoon-like! And yet he has an incredibly fast mind, an amazing wit, extreme intelligence, a loving heart, and of course a profound understanding of reality.

Bashar is channeled through Darryl Anka.

The Topics 

The basic Blueprint of the Structure of Existence 
Self-aware, self-reflective, free-will entity 
All "things" are the same one thing vibrating at different rates 
*** Receiving the Reality you Desire *** 
3 Phases for receiving the "version" of reality you prefer 
You ALREADY have everything you desire! 
2 quick Techniques for Manifesting your preferred Reality 
Visualization - how to do it effectively 
Shifting between Parallel Realities 
Handling challenging situations 
Feelings & Beliefs 
Neutral Props 
Follow your excitement! Finding your "Purpose" in Life 
Trusting your Timing 
Positive Synchronicity 
All beliefs are equally valid. 
Making it Easy to Change your Beliefs 
The PRESENT is not the result of the PAST 
How FEAR can serve you 
The Uniqueness of Each Incarnation 
Unified Society 
The Meaning of Life, and The Purpose of Existence 
Judgment and Preference 
Love, Guilt, and Hate 
Co-Creating an Experience 
Actual Belief? or what you think you Believe?


The basic Blueprint of the Structure of Existence 
The 5 Basic Laws of Creation
These 5 Basic Laws are true Everywhere/Everywhen in the universe -
including ALL dimensions.
      1  You exist.   (I AM)
      2  Everything is Here/Now.
      3  The All is one, and the One is all.
      4  What you put out is what you get back.
      5  The only constant in the universe is change -
           except for the first 4 postulates, which never change.

1  You exist.   (I AM) 
 If you exist now, your existence is eternal: 
You have always existed and you always will exist.  You may change form,
but you are existing always .'ll be around forever.

 2  Everything is Here/Now.  
 Time and Space are illusions.   (But your experiences within Time/Space are "real".) 
 There is only Here/Now.

3  The All is one, and the One is all.  
 Just as each tiny section of a hologram contains the information for the entire
 hologram, likewise we are all inter-connected.   
 Everything is truly just one totally-interconnected "thing".

 4  What you put out is what you get back.  
 The "outside" is a reflection of the "inside". 
 Physical reality is actually a mirror:  
 Your physical reality is just a holographic reflection of
what you most strongly believe to be true.    And like a mirror, physical reality
will not change unless you change first (change what you most strongly believe).

5  The only constant in the universe is change -   
 except for the first 4 postulates, which never change.
 So.....might as well get used to eternally-changing Creation.

 Enjoy the ride!   Surf the changes!

Every individual is a self-aware, self-reflective, free-will entity
 a holographic representation of the Infinite Creation. 

Every individual is always as powerful as they need to be 
to create whatever reality they desire, 
without having to hurt anyone else or them self, in order to get it.

All "things" are the same one thing vibrating at different rates

Just as water and steam and ice are all the same thing vibrating at different frequencies, likewise, matter and energy are the same substance vibrating at different frequencies.

highest frequencies
medium frequencies 
(electromagnetheric energy) 
lower frequencies

All things are Spirit vibrating at different frequencies. Matter is solidified energy. Matter is Spirit energy vibrating at a slower frequency. Your body is solidified Spirit, crystallized Spirit. Your Spirit is not in your body. Your body is in your Spirit. As you raise your vibrations, you become more Spirit-like, moving closer towards fluid-like Spirit, thereby making your reality creation more malleable and easily changeable.

"Receiving" the Reality you Desire

A radio does not have to create the program it wishes to hear. It merely needs to receive an already-existing program. And it makes itself an effective receiver by matching frequencies, synchronizing frequencies - creating a similarity of vibrations - with the program  it wishes to receive.

Likewise, you don't have to create the reality you desire, because it already exists - among the infinite probable realities all simultaneously co-existing.  All you have to do is make yourself an effective "antenna", so that by similarity of vibrations, you can receive that reality. And this makes it physiologically "real" for you.

First, you have to be that vibration. Then, you automatically receive that reality.
You must "see" the reality you prefer as now existing in the moment. Then, it will become tangible in your outer reality.

A radio uses a channel tuner to select & receive any one particular station - out of all the programs that are simultaneously existing all around the radio.

Likewise, there are infinite probable realities that we could "receive" and experience at any moment. How do we select which one of these we wish to "pull" to the foreground to experience ?

We select and receive specific "versions" of reality by our beliefs.
We select and receive by our 100% trust in "what we know is so".

Here's the "physics" of how this works:

Just as a radio must first vibrate at a particular frequency in order to "receive" the one particular broadcast (from all of the possible simultaneous broadcasts) that happens to be vibrating at that same frequency, likewise...

Each belief gets you vibrating at a unique set of frequencies.
These frequencies then attract, by sympathetic resonance, those holograms vibrating
on the same frequencies.

That is, out of the "background" universal matrix of infinite possible holograms (all of the infinite possible "versions" of reality that are simultaneously existing), those holograms and symbols that synchronistically vibrate at the same frequencies as the frequencies of your belief, get "pulled out" from this matrix and "received" by you as the actual "external physical experiences" that you then sense as "real" - that you sense as "objective reality".

So each belief is a unique set of frequencies which is a template that determines which holograms you attract into your experience.

What we believe and totally "trust to be so", sets up the alignment from which we receive that particular "version" of reality. This trust or "knowing" is the mechanism by which creation takes place. Without believing, we would create no reality and be non-existent.  At every given moment, we are always totally believing something.

All possible "versions" of your reality already exist.    In fact, they are all here - right under your nose - right Here, right Now.    However, most of these "versions" are invisible to us, and they become "visible" only when we "tune" ourselves (via our beliefs), to be compatible and resonant with the frequencies of any one particular "version".
 Furthermore, since Time is only a local "illusion" that does not really exist, everything you ever hope to "become" or "attain", you have already become and attained.    If it's "invisible" to you, that's only because your beliefs do not yet have you vibrating in a manner that is synchronous with those versions.   You contain it ALL - all possible "versions".    And all these here/now versions are in various states of visible/invisible for you, depending on your beliefs relative to any particular version.    You "see" and "objectively experience" the versions that are synchronized with how you are vibrating, and it's your beliefsat any given moment that determine how you are vibrating.

It's all a hologram of many holograms.

In a hologram, each part of the hologram contains the information for the whole hologram.  The universe is structured holographically.  You are holographic. Each possible "version" of your reality is also holographic.  

  You contain within you all possible versions of reality.  All holograms (versions of reality) are contained within you.   From all these infinite possibilities, you "select" the version to be experienced with your beliefs, imagination, and feelings.   Your imagination is the "archive" of all your possible holograms.  From this archive of possibilities, the version that you "imagine" (believe, or focus your imagination on) is your currently-selected version of reality.    Then you "activate" this selected version with your feelings. The more intense the feelings, the more powerfully you activate this version, and therefore, the more quickly it manifests as your tangible reality.    Positive feelings activate the positive desired versions. Negative feelings activate the negative undesired versions (the dreaded outcomes).   

  "Worrying is using your imagination to create something you don't want."    (Excerpted from Asheville, NC on 9/5/98 - Abraham and Esther Hicks) 

Your beliefs are the result of what you imagine, and then activate with your feelings.  The version with the most intense feelings attached to it, is the version that gets activated.

As an analogy, if your computer screen offers you many choices, and all you have to do is click on one of them to select it, then your imagination is the total of all the available choices on the screen.   Moving the mouse to the desired choice is like focusing your imagination on one particular vision.  And then clicking on that choice is like using your feelings to activate your selection.

Misconception:   "Seeing is Believing"    (What we perceive determines what we believe.)
The Actuality:     "Believing is Seeing"    (What we believe determines what we perceive!)

So, don't wait to perceive it before you start believing it!Believe it first, and then you will perceive it accordingly.

Beliefs ==> Perception ==> Interpretation ==> Emotional reaction ==> Thoughts ==> Action

1. Your beliefs determine the reality that you perceive. Your beliefs determine your perception of reality.

2. You then immediately, automatically, (and usually unconsciously) interpret your perception of reality.
      That is, you (arbitrarily) assign, project, and "superimpose" an interpretation onto your perception of reality.

3. You then emotionally react to your interpretation of that reality.
4. You then have thoughts about this reality.
5. Then, based on your emotions and thoughts, you take action.

Beliefs ==> Perception ==> Interpretation ==> Emotional reaction ==> Thoughts ==> Action

When you are watching television and the current program displeases you, you do not try to change or transform that program. Instead, you simply choose another program that you do prefer.

Likewise, if the reality you are experiencing displeases you, you do not need to "change" or "transform" that reality. You only need to choose another version of reality to "receive", by synchronizing your vibrations with the "version" of reality you do prefer to experience.   It already exists.   All you have to do is "receive" it. You select the "channel" you're watching in life. 



To be technically accurate,
People do not "create" their reality.
They "select" it and "allow it in".

As an analogy,
A TV set does not "create" the program it's displaying.  It just "selects" it and "allows it in".
A radio does not "create" the radio program it's playing.  It just "selects" it and "allows it in".
Realizing this, it should make it feel even EASIER to create/select/allow the version of reality you wish to experience,



All possible version of reality already all exist!    (When they say God is Infinite, they're not kidding.)
YOU DON'T HAVE TO CREATE the version of reality you wish to experience.

IT ALREADY EXISTS!   It's happening RIGHT NOW - on some other parallel reality-track.

3 Phases for receiving the "version" of reality you prefer: 

1. See it. (mental)
Visualize it. Imagine it. Daydream it. Visualize it clearly. You don't need to visualize it for a long time. Short time is sufficient, but you need to visualize it clearly. You need to have a solid clear picture. Visualizing it creates the blueprint, so see it in great detail.   See it ==> Become an efficient Mental Antenna to receive this "version" of reality.

2. Feel it. (emotional)
Get excited & passionate about it! How would you feel if you had it now? Feel that now! Plug into your vision with all your emotions & all your senses, as if you had it now! Involve all your senses - imagine smelling it, touching it, tasting it, etc.
Feel it ==> Become an efficient Emotional Antenna to receive this "version" of reality.

3. Be it. (physical)
Physical action. Do it! To ground the experience. Do actions that most closely mimic the actions you "see" yourself doing in your vision. Gather and use whatever props mimic that scenario, and do a "dry run". Doing this "make believe" physical action trains the body consciousness. This makes it "real for you now", so the universe then delivers it to you. NOTE: This physical action does not directly cause this desired reality to manifest. Instead, this physical action creates a more precise vibration in yourself, making you a better antenna to receive it, by you becoming more aligned to the same vibration. The reality you desire already exists. You do not have to create it. You only have to receive it. 

Be it ==> Become an efficient Physical Antenna to receive this "version" of reality.
In other words,

    1. See it.  ===> Become a precise mental      antenna to "receive" that version of reality.
    2. Feel it. ===> Become a precise emotional antenna to "receive" that version of reality.
    3. Be it.   ===> Become a precise physical    antenna to "receive" that version of reality.

You already have everything you desire!

Since you contain EVERYTHING, and all possible versions of your reality are all actually simultaneously existing and "real", you therefore already have everything you desire or could ever desire. You contain it all!   You have already been given everything you could ever hope to have or want.   It's just that it may not be "visible" (and therefore "real") to you.

Creation all exists Here-Now, outside time, in one eternal-Now moment.  Therefore, everything that you believe you might "someday" get, you actually already have!  Everything is here now, but in varying states of visibility/invisibility - depending on the frequencies on which you are vibrating, which depends on the beliefs that you accept as "real".

When you "pray" for something, you do not need to pray to get something you do not already have, since it's already right there in front of you.  Instead, you are actually praying to be able to seethat you actually already have it.   Because.....when you can see that you already have it, then your vibration frequency-matches the vibration of that which you desire.   And once you frequency-match with that which you desire, then it has to manifest in your reality!  Everything is energy.  You can not help but then get that reality, because that's the physics of how the universe works.   When you match-frequencies with what you desire, you will then see that it has always been "right here", just waiting for you to notice it and start enjoying it.

2 quick Techniques for Manifesting your preferred Reality

First quick Technique

1. Get a clear Vision or Intention of what you would like your preferred Reality (your preferred Life) to be like.
2. Because you simply exist, you automatically Deserve everything you may want.
          Accordingly, make sure you feel you Deserve this preferred Reality.
3. What would be the Beliefs of someone already experiencing precisely this Reality?
4. Adopt those Beliefs.
5. When events-contradicting-this-belief come up, or when Beliefs come up that are in contradiction to your recently-adopted beliefs,

         A. Do not be in denial.   Acknowledge and own these disempowered Beliefs.   (Because you can not change what you do not "own".) 

         B. Realize that these disempowered Beliefs and your recently-adopted beliefs are both equally-real, equally-valid, and you contain them both. 

         C. With this realization, simply choose to express your preferred recently-adopted beliefs.
                      (Since you already contain ALL beliefs, you don't need to "get rid of" the undesired beliefs. 

Simply express the preferred beliefs.) 

6. Feel     the way someone would feel    that is already experiencing this preferred Reality.
7. Think  the way someone would think  that is already experiencing this preferred Reality.
8. Act      the way someone would act     that is already experiencing this preferred Reality.

Second quick Technique - "The Referential Preferential You"

1. Conjure up in your imagination, the ideal or divine or perfect or ultimate version of yourself.
           (If you find this difficult, then imagine your favorite Divine being instead.) 

2. In your imagination, put this "ideal you" or "Divine being" into this preferred Reality situation.

3. Watch in your imagination, how the "ideal you" or "Divine being"   feelsthinks, and acts in this preferred Reality situation.

4. Simply COPY that behavior:

          A. Feel     the way the "ideal you" or "Divine being" is feeling      in this preferred Reality situation.
          B. Think  the way the "ideal you" or "Divine being" is thinking    in this preferred Reality situation
          C. Act      the way the "ideal you" or "Divine being" is acting      in this preferred Reality situation.

NOTE:   Your imagination is the "pipeline" through which your Higher Self talks to you.


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