Some of the Core Concepts of BASHAR from the Essassani Civilization - Part 3

Some of the Core Concepts of BASHAR from the Essassani Civilization - Part 3

Some of the Core Concepts of BASHAR from the Essassani Civilization - Part 3

Some of the Core Concepts of
from the Essassani Civilization

The Topics 

The basic Blueprint of the Structure of Existence 
Self-aware, self-reflective, free-will entity 
All "things" are the same one thing vibrating at different rates 
*** Receiving the Reality you Desire *** 
3 Phases for receiving the "version" of reality you prefer 
You ALREADY have everything you desire! 
2 quick Techniques for Manifesting your preferred Reality 
Visualization - how to do it effectively 
Shifting between Parallel Realities 
Handling challenging situations 
Feelings & Beliefs 
Neutral Props 
Follow your excitement! Finding your "Purpose" in Life 
Trusting your Timing 
Positive Synchronicity 
All beliefs are equally valid. 
Making it Easy to Change your Beliefs 
The PRESENT is not the result of the PAST 
How FEAR can serve you 
The Uniqueness of Each Incarnation 
Unified Society 
The Meaning of Life, and The Purpose of Existence 
Judgment and Preference 
Love, Guilt, and Hate 
Co-Creating an Experience 
Actual Belief? or what you think you Believe?


How FEAR can Serve You

Fear means that you believe, that a scenario that you very much do not want to happen, is very likely to happen!

So fear lets you know that you are believing in a reality that you do not prefer.  So, fear can serve you, by being an "indicator", or an "alarm", that lets you know that    "Hey, I'm believing in a reality that is not at all aligned with my Being!"

Once you become aware of this, you can choose to change your belief, so such frightening scenarios will no longer pop up in your reality.

#1. Get  in touch with the Belief that is causing this fear.
Ask yourself:   "What would I have to believe, in order to end up being afraid of this right now?"

#2. Once you get in touch with the Belief that is generating this fear, then
Acknowledge that this is your current Believe. "Own" it.    (You can not change what you do not own.)

#3. Ask yourself:   "What Belief would I like to REPLACE this Belief with?"

#4. Once you decide what your new preferred Belief is, accept it. Adopt it. Breath it in. TRUST that this new Belief is now active and functioning in your Being. (You don't need to "get rid of" the old Belief. You only need to replace it with your preferred Belief.)  

       Get into the Mind-Set of the new Belief.
       Get into the Emotional-Feeling State of the new Belief.
       Get into the Body-Language and Actions of the new Belief.


The Uniqueness of Each Incarnation

Each Soul extends portions of itself into time & space as particular incarnations. Just as many fingers extend out from the same one hand, there are many incarnations at many points in time and space, all emanating from the same Soul.  From the point of view of your Soul (outside time & space) all these incarnations (past incarnations, present incarnation, future incarnations) are all simultaneously occurring NOW. Although your Soul has many incarnations, each one is a unique "version" of you that in all eternity will never occur again. This incarnation of you, this version of you, will never occur again. So be the most you you can be! Be fully who you are! That is the fulfillment of your purpose.



Abundance is the ability to do what you need to do, when you need to do it. Money is only one of many valid tools to achieve this abundance. And it is not always the most direct tool to use - for doing what you need to do when you need to do it.


Unified Society

Unity in a society does not come from conformity. Unity can only come from granting equality and validity to the infinite diversity of all the individuals.  The universe is infinitely diverse.  Every being has their own way of exploring the idea of infinite creation, and all these ways are equally valid. When a society encourages the unique expression of each individual, that is when the society is strongest and most unified.

When you grant equality and validity to everyone, you are granting equality and validity to all aspects of Creation, and as a reflective result of this, the entire Creation supports you in everything you do as well!


The Meaning of Life, and The Purpose of Existence

Existence is Eternal - without beginning.  

Therefore Existence existed BEFORE the concept of "purpose" or "meaning" came into being. 

Therefore, Existence does not need to have any particular "purpose" or "meaning" to justify its existence. It simply is.

In other words, the Infinite Creator set it all up as a blank slate (tabula rasa), so that YOU can superimpose absolutely ANY  "meaning" or "purpose" that you wish.

So, to be technically accurate, the universe is "meaningless".

But this is a good thing!   It is truly a blessing! 

The Infinite Creator has given YOU free will, so that you can now use your free will, to superimpose absolutely ANY  "meaning" of life, or "purpose" of existence that you wish!

(Side Note: see Neutral Props)


Judgment and Preference

Judgment is invalidating that which you do not prefer. Whenever you judge anything, by focusing your attention on it, you exchange energies with it, and so you "become" that vibration. So you automatically become the very thing you disapprove of.   You become that which you invalidate.  Preference, on the other hand, is not judgment.   Preference is exercising your ability to discern what is really "you", what excites you, and then making choices aligned with the real "you".  To prefer one thing does not necessitate invalidating those other things you do not prefer.

So the recommendation is:  
Select what you prefer, 
 judging (invalidating) what you do NOT prefer.

You become whatever you focus your attention on.   To assign any meaning to anything - either a positive meaning or a negative meaning - is to invite that into your life.    Being neutral about something - assigning it no meaning - is the way to not attract that reality into your life.

"That's terrible!" =========> You are attracting that reality.
"That's wonderful!" =======> You are attracting that reality.
"I feel neutral about that." ===> You are not attracting that reality.

Cease to invalidate yourself, because you are all you have to work with in your universe. You are the representation, in your own way, of the Infinite. If you invalidate that, or any part of that, then you do not allow yourself to function as a whole being capable of using information coming to you from others in a constructive way.   When you invalidate yourself, you are seriously handicapping your only reality-creation-engine.

Love,  Guilt,  and  Hate

Love is knowing the deservability and worthiness of all.

Guilt is the belief in one's total lack of deservability and the belief in one's worthlessness.

Therefore, Guilt is the opposite of Love.
Hate is not the opposite of Love.

Hate is Love processed through judgment.
Hate is the polarized opposite of Love, but still implies deservability.


Co-Creating an Experience

Any experience that is shared by two or more people is the result of all the people involved agreeing to co-create that experience.    Even conflict can only occur if both parties agree to be in conflict.   You can only experience that which is resonant with the vibrations you are currently choosing to be.    If you "believe" you need to be protected, you are attracting into your reality the very thing you "believe" you need to be protected from.    If war is "not of your vibration", there is no way you can experience war.   You can only experience that which you have - on some level - already agreed to experience.



Just as a prism diffracts the unified white light into its component colors, the personality also functions as a prism, separating the holistic energy of the Soul into the 3 components of
Beliefs,  Emotions,   &  Thought Patterns & Actions.  
Soul ====> prism of Personality ====> Beliefs
                                                ====> Emotions
                                                ====> Thought Patterns & Actions 
Thought Patterns & Actions 
Definitions: BlueprintResponses & reactions to something you  already believe to be true Your thoughts & your physical actions.   What you do.
Analogy:Blueprint The buildersThe building materials for building a house
from analogy:
Start with clear beliefs for what you clearly prefer Get excited & enthused about what you are creating! Do it with passion!Select the best materials: Select the thoughts & actions that are most aligned with your goal. 



There is only ONE MOMENT in all creation - the eternal NOW.
"Time" is an illusion created by consciousness.

This analogy will clarify:
In a film projector, the individual frames of the film are shown in a rapid steady sequence - one frame at a time.   This rapid steady sequence of STILL frames creates the ILLUSION of flowing time. But in truth, all the actual frames that are used all exist simultaneously.    There is the illusion of "time" only when the film projector displays those frames - one frame at a time - in a rapid steady sequence. Yet, ALL those frames exist simultaneously. In fact the projectionist can take out the roll of film, spread it out on the floor and view all those frames at the same time.
In a similar manner, our consciousness "projects" individual "still frames of reality" in a steady and extremely rapid sequence. Bashar says we do this BILLIONS of times per second - thus creating the ILLUSION of the steady flow of TIME.     Each of these individual "still frames of reality" contains absolutely NO MOTION whatsoever! It is a frozen snapshot - perfectly still.   And yet, by sequencing these still frames at a steady very-fast rate, we have the ILLUSION of time - the flow of time.

Our earthly consciousness functions like the film projector,      which views these still frames only in a rapid steady sequence.

Our Higher Self                functions like the film projectionist,  who can take out the roll of film and view ALL the frames simultaneously.   Our Higher Self functions in a timeless eternal-NOW zone.

Therefore, all time is truly NOW. Your past lives are occurring right NOW. Your future lives are occurring right NOW. All time periods are co-existing right NOW.  The concept of "reincarnation" is not quite as accurate as "simultaneous multiple incarnations".

Normally, the "reality-frames" that we view in rapid sequence are related and similar. Hence the ILLUSION of continuity.

Continuity is an ILLUSION.

Continuity is an ILLUSION since one is not obligated to go from one frame to another frame that is almost the same.  (The "normal" flow of time.)   It is possible to "hop" to a totally-different frame in this infinite universe.    And this would be what is normally referred to as "Time Travel".

There is no paradox in Time Travel.

There is no paradox in Time Travel. The classic "grandfather paradox" of time-travel is not really a paradox at all. This classic paradox basically states:
If you time-travel to the time of your grand-father and kill him before he has any children, then your father could not have been born. Then you also could not have been born. So, if you were never born, how could you go back in time to kill your grand-father?
SOLUTION: There are an infinite number of time-lines - all simultaneously co-existing.  (parallel but distinct tracks, or "flows", of time events)   Every time you "Time Travel" in the classic sense, to the past or future, you are hopping over to a DIFFERENT time-line, not the one that you have been living in.   So anything you do in THAT time-line is part of the "natural history" of THAT time-line, but there was no change whatsoever in your originating time-line.    This DIFFERENT time-line may appear to be practically identical to your own past or future, but it is in fact a totally DIFFERENT time-line.   Hence, no paradox.


Actual Belief? or what you think you Believe?

How can you distinguish between {what you think you believe} and {what you actually believe}?
Your actions always indicate what you actually believe.   Always.
Your actions reveal what you are actually believing.


abundance"The ability to do what you need to do, when you need to do it."
(Money is merely one of innumerable ways to express abundance.)
anxiety"Anxiety" is the energy of excitement, but filtered through a belief in something undesirable or unpreferred.     ("Anxiety" is "Excitement" with a negative judgement.
Remove the negative judgment, and you have "Excitement". )
"Discernment" is selecting and acting on your preference from the available options.
"Judgment"    is going a step-further and invalidating what you do NOT prefer.
The recommendation is to act according to preference, 
 invalidating what you do not prefer.
doubt"Doubt" is not a lack of trust. It is a TOTAL TRUST in an undesirable or unpreferred reality.  You do not need to "develop" trust, since you are always 100% TOTALLY TRUSTING in SOMETHING. You only need to FOCUS your trust on a preferred reality, rather than an unpreferred one.
excitement"Excitement" is the energy that occurs when one is in resonance with their own Higher Self.    This is a "signal" from your Higher Self (which always honors your free will) to encourage you to act or move in a particular direction. "Excitement" can therefore be used as a "compass heading" to move & act in the direction that your Higher Self hopes you will move - for your highest joy.   If you "follow your excitement" consistently, you will end up fulfilling your Life's Purpose.
failure"Failure" is giving up on achieving your Goal.
As long as you do not give up on your Intention, failure has not occurred.
fear"Fear" is the emotional reaction to believing in a reality (likely outcome) that you strongly do not prefer. You can use fear to your advantage, by:
#1. Fully "owning" it and acknowledging that you have it.
#2. Asking yourself     "What must I be believing to have this fear?"
#3. Once you discover that belief, you can REPLACE it with the opposite belief, at which point the fear quickly dissipates.
forgiveness"Forgiveness" is not an "action". It is the cessation or stopping of the continuous action of continuously blaming someone for something.  Since blaming requires energy, and forgiveness is the stopping of this action of blaming, it actually is easier to forgive, than to continuously be blaming another.    So be lazy!   Forgive!
hope"Hope" implies doubt.   It suggests you are holding a belief that there is a significant possibility of NOT achieving your desired result.
integrity"Integrity" comes from "integer" which originates from "one". When a person realizes that "everything" is really just ONE thing, and that they are an integral part of this ONE thing, then they instinctively & automatically treat everyone & everything with the care, respect, and consideration, which which they would like to be treated.  This is "integrity".
"Discernment" is selecting and acting on your preference from the available options.
"Judgment"    is going a step-further and invalidating what you do NOT prefer.
The recommendation is to act according to preference, 
 invalidating what you do not prefer.
negativeThat which separates, or polarizes.
(as opposed to "positive", which unifies & integrates)
positiveThat which unifies, and integrates, and creates oneness.
(as opposed to "negative", which creates separation)
sexSex is the alignment & grounding of all levels of one's being - allowing for communication with the higher levels. It is like a lightning strike that grounds & alligns all the levels, and thus allows for a clear communication to the higher levels of one's being.
synchronicityThe manner in which the Oneness of Creation expresses
{within the constraints of any time/space matrix/hologram)   that: 
everything is connected to everything
trustTrust is the same as "what you believe".
You are always totally trusting in somethingThere is never a lack of trust.
So the only relevant issue is:  WHERE are you placing your trust?
Accordingly, "doubt" is not a lack of trust, but
a TOTAL trust in something you do not prefer.
try"Try" implies you are keeping the back-door open for failure. The word "try" presumes you are believing there is a large possibility of NOT achieving your goal.
"Trying to do" something is totally different than "doing" that something.
unconditional loveUnconditional Love is
the granting of validity,  for all beings and everything to exist - just as they are.
worthinessThe mere fact that you EXIST makes you worthy of anything you want.
Your EXISTENCE and WORTHINESS are more fundamental than any beliefs you may have about them.   (They exist prior to any beliefs about them.)


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