The  Seven Archangels & The Angels

Angels are interwoven within the culture of man. Regardless of religion or belief system, stories of angels are a part of our heritage, of the fabric that makes up human history. Recent surveys say that up to eighty-five percent of American adults believe in angels. Often references to angels refer specifically to Archangels.

Archangels are considered to very powerful spiritual beings that have captured our attention for centuries. The prefix ‘arch’ means ruling or chief in Greek. Religious texts refer to archangels as being at a high level in the celestial hierarchy. While the exact number of archangels is unknown many traditions and faiths reference seven archangels. Who these seven are is also a source of debate varying from faith to faith. Many scriptures tell of the archangels great abilities as healers and guides, intervening with assistance in many of life’s challenging situations. Continue on to learn about 7 well- known Archangels and their specialties.


Archangels (pronounced ark-angels) are a group of heavenly beings in the Celestial Choir hierarchy.

What are the Celestial Choirs?

The nine celestial choirs are groups of beings who do God's work and sing his praises. I was surprised to learn that Archangels are just on the second rung of this hierarchical ladder. When I tell you the other choirs you will probably recognize some of them.

The celestial choir of Angels are on the first rung of the ladder, then just above them are the Archangels. The third rung is the celestial choir of Principalities, then there is the choir of Virtues. Above them is the celestial choir of Powers and then Dominions. Next is the choir of Thrones and then there are the Cherubim. The highest choir is the Seraphim, who are in the closest proximity to God.

It's likely that we hear more about angels than any other choir because their job is to help us, so they are closest to our earthly level. The choir of angels is divided into bands, each with an archangel in charge.


The Seven Archangels

As you may have noticed, heaven is very organized, and it won't surprise you to know that heavenly beings all have a specific job to do. Each of these magnificent beings serve on a certain ray (aspect of God). They also have spiritual retreats or homes in the etheric realm (heaven-world) above certain powerful places on earth. Here's a summary of the seven. 

  • Michael is the captain of all the angels and archangels. He serves on God's blue ray which is the ray of protection. You can ask him for both physical and spiritual protection. This includes protection from accidents, crime, psychic aggression and even demons
  • Jophiel serves on the yellow ray of illumination. Why not ask him to help you absorb information when you are studying and when you need wisdom?
  • Chamuel serves on the pink ray of spiritual love. Ask him to help you resolve relationship problems, find a job... and also to locate a lost object! So you could ask him to tell you where your keys are when you are rushing for work.
  • Gabriel is probably the most well known. Christians teach that he told Mary she would give birth to the baby Jesus and Muslims believe he dictated the Qu'ran to Mohamed. He serves on the white ray of purity. Ask him to help you establish discipline and order in your life.
  • Raphael serves on the green ray of divine healing. Ask him for the healing of your body, mind soul and spirit. He is also helpful when you need to have your physical needs met such as food, clothing, shelter and tools of your trade.
  • Uriel serves on the ray of peace. This ray is purple and gold flecked with ruby. Next time you are having a disagreement with someone why not ask him for help in creating a peaceful resolution?
  • Zadkiel serves on the violet ray of forgiveness. Ask him to help you if you are having a problem with this, and also with tolerance and diplomacy. He will help you bring joy back to your life if you ask him.


Archangel Michael:
Captain of the Angelic Bands


- Michael means, "who is as God". He is an angel of "The Last Judgment". He is the
"Weigher of souls" who decides where people are sent for eternity: to Heaven, or to Hell. He is
often described in wondrous form with armor and swords, and is known as a dragon-slayer. He
defeated Satan, the fallen angel, by the order of God. Regardless of which major faith's angelic
beings is being followed, Michael ranks as the highest of the host. He is the leader of the celestial
armies and is the angel who fought Satan during the War and enchained the rebel leader. He is
considered to be of the class of seraphim, and yet is also head of other ranks within the
hierarchy: the ruler of the archangels, leader of the virtues, and head of the principalities in his
role as protector of Israel. Michael is considered to be the angel of the burning bush through
which God spoke to Moses, and has also appeared in the book of Daniel, where God states him
as being the highest within the angelic ranks. Although other angels have been attributed with the
title of Angel of Death, it is Michael who weighs the souls on judgment day, after his battle once
more with the forces of evil. He is mentioned as both an angel of destruction and vengeance in
the name of God, but also as a protector and the angel who kept Satan from claiming the body of
Moses after the patriarch's death. By all rights, Michael can be considered foremost among the

All archangels have a 'line of work' as it were, called a ray of God, and Michael is of the first ray, which is the blue ray of power, protection, faith and the will of God.

He will protect you if you ask him. However it's easier for him to help instantly if you have created a momentum of decrees and prayers to him daily.

The Boys in Blue

Saint Michael the Archangel, along with his legions of blue lightning angels, defend the children of God from the dark forces. They are all clad in blue armor and carry shields and swords of blue flame. I like to think the sword may look similar to the one Luke Skywalker uses in the film Star Wars, but more magnificent.

Blue is the color of protection. St Michael is the sponsor of the police force - our "thin blue line." Do you think it is a coincidence that emergency vehicles have blue flashing lights?

His divine compliment is the Archeia Faith (a female archangel, if you will) and she works with him in helping to free people from the negative facets of life.

He has a spiritual retreat in the etheric octave above the Canadian Rockies at Banff, near Lake Louise. He also has a focus of light above central Europe.
Why not give the morning and evening prayers to invoke his protection found here ?
Morning and Evening Prayers to Archangel Michael and Faith


Archangel Jophiel:
The Wise One

Jophiel - ("Beauty of God"): One of the cherubim, Jophiel is accredited with being the angel to
drive Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden after they eat the forbidden fruit. If this is the
case, Jophiel receives also the honor of being the first angel to be mentioned in the Bible. In such
a role, he is last left guarding the Tree of Life with a flaming sword to prevent the return of man.
Jophiel is the Angel of Enlightenment. This angel inspires us toward awareness, enlightenment,
open-mindedness and freedom of thought. He teaches our consciousness to discover the Light

Archangel Jophiel has a consort, the archeia Christine who works with him on God's second ray - the yellow ray of illumination. The name Jophiel means 'Beauty of God'.

What Is Illumination?
Illumination encompasses wisdom, understanding, inspiration, knowledge and clear seeing.

Where do our inspiration and wisdom come from?
All good things come from the mind of God, the source of all creativity.

How Do we access this mind?
Our Higher Self is connected to the mind of God and Jophiel can help us get in touch with this part of ourselves. His angels can free us from anything that blocks our oneness with with our Higher Self; conditions such as self-doubt, fear, lack of self esteem and addictions of any kind including chocolate or nicotine.
Ah, but he won't do it unless we ask him. God gave us all free will and no angel or archangel will abuse that. They all wait patiently for our prayers and calls so they can go into action.

Archangel Jophiel - Illuminating Your Path

Jophiel and Christine are also concerned with the dissolution of ignorance, pride and narrow mindedness. So if you need to have a meeting with someone who has these attributes you can call to him to help dissolve these blocks to a successful meeting.

On a world scale, we can ask him to expose wrongdoing in governments and corporations and help in fighting pollution and cleaning up our planet.

But what he is most concerned about is the imbalance in the education systems in the West, resulting in profound levels of ignorance. We see the schools strive to accelerate the computer of the mental body of the children. This is just one aspect of education. To dispel ignorance and become balanced and whole we need to nurture direct communication with God through the heart also.

The yellow flame of illumination is focused at Archangel Jophiel's retreat in the etheric realm over the plains of Central China, south of the Great Wall near Lanchow.

The wisdom of Confucius is well known - he lived in ancient China, an advanced civilization that flourished while the West was still in the dark ages.

Read more about these magnificent archangels here.
Prayer to Attend Archangel Jophiel and Christine's Retreat


Archangel Chamuel:
The Loving One

Archangel Chamuel, whose name means “he who seeks God,” and his divine complement, Archeia Charity, serve on the third ray of divine love. Their etheric retreat, the Temple of the Crystal-Pink Flame, is over St. Louis, Missouri. An arc of divine love forms a bridge between their retreat and that of the Elohim of the third ray, Heros and Amora, in the etheric realm near Lake Winnipeg in Manitoba, Canada.
Together with their legions of pink-flame angels, Chamuel and Charity serve to expand the flame of adoration and divine love within the hearts of men and elementals. The joy of the Christ and the proper use of the creative powers of the Godhead are the forte of their instruction.
What does Archangel Chamuel Do?
As all archangels do, Chamuel and Charity have their specialties, their role or job for God. These include love, compassion, mercy, creativity and forgiveness. If you ask Chamuel he will help you with dissolving feelings of selfishness, self-dislike, self-condemnation and low self-esteem. He will even help you prepare to receive the Holy Spirit.

Archangel Chamuel is very useful in helping with relationships, finding new friends, repairing damaged relationships and generally getting along with others. You can ask him for protection against malice, slander and misunderstanding.

You can even ask for help in finding things like a job, lost objects or a parking place. I often ask for help in finding things I have mislaid. After I have said something like "Archangel Chamuel, please help me find[whatever it is I've lost]", my eyes are often drawn to the object, or I decide to look under the very thing that is hiding it.

When you are concerned about ethnic and racial tension in your neighborhood or around the world, Chamuel is just waiting for your call to saturate the area with love.

Love, of course, is often gentle - think of the tender love of a mother. However, it can also be fierce. Chamuel puts on his ruby ray armor to fight the forces of anti-love. These forces can manifest as cruelty, hatred, addictions, depression and compulsive behavior.

When you feel yourself gripped by a desire to have nicotine or when your self-esteem is low, you can give a powerful fiat to Chamuel and his angels of love.

"In the name of God, I AM THAT I AM, in the name of Archangel Chamuel: Be gone forces of anti-love!" You can repeat the part "Be gone forces of anti-love!" several times, maybe nine times or more.

Chamuel is a wiz at improving communications between people. So if you are concerned about having a successful meeting, or your children are squabbling, or you're not getting along with someone, try asking for help in your daily prayers. I know my day runs much smoother when I have asked for help in the morning.

You can find more information on these wonderful archangels over here.
Archangel Chamuel and Charity


Archangel Gabriel:
The Announcer

Archangel Gabriel is possibly the second most famous of the archangels, after Archangel Michael. His name means 'God is my strength'.

- Gabriel Rules the Moon, West, Water and the Cherubim Gabriel means "power" or
"hero". Gabriel is the governor of Eden and the ruler of Cherubim. Gabriel is often described as a
female angel with a lily in her hand. The lore of the Annunciation is well known. Gabriel is the
angel of resurrection, mercy, revelation, and death Gabriel is often considered as a slightly more
benevolent spirit than her ally Michael. Another notable birth that Gabriel presided over was that
of John the Baptist when Gabriel came to Zacharias and told him of his coming son. Within all
of the legends of birthing, Gabriel as been accredited as the angel who selects souls from heaven
to be birthed into the material world and spends the nine months as the child is being enveloped
informing the new person of what he or she will need to know on Earth, only to silence the child
before birth by pressing his finger onto the child's lips, thus producing the cleft below a person's
nose. Besides births however, Gabriel is also the angel who came before Daniel and told him of
the future as well as the angel responsible for strengthening Christ prior to the Crucifixion.
Finally, not being all pregnancies and wisdom, she is told as the angel who struck down the cities
of Sodom and Gomorrah as well as other places of sin throughout the Old Testament although
she is never named there as such.

How Can Archangel Gabriel Help You?

Before you were born, your Higher Self, together with a board of spiritual beings worked out a life plan for you. Gabriel will remind you at inner levels what this was.

Thinking of buying a new home? Or maybe deciding what direction you need to take in your education or career? Archangel Gabriel is the one to ask for guidance. He will also help you to keep on track by fighting discouragement, ridicule and helping with lack of money and resources.

If you tend to be a scattered person you can ask Gabriel for help with establishing discipline and organization in your life.

When the next natural disaster strikes, he is the guy to ask to ensure the victims get relief including distribution of food and medical aid. You can also ask for help with peacekeeping operations.

And for those days when you just need a little bit of a push to help you look on the bright side of life, Gabriel's your man, or rather should I say "your archangel"?

"I am here and I shall not leave you...until you have fulfilled your reason for being."

~Archangel Gabriel

Learn more about Gabriel and Hope here. Read how not only is Gabriel the Angel of Annunciation who greeted Mary with the words, “Hail, thou that art highly favoured, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women.” But he salutes each mother-to-be with the glad tidings.


 Archangel Raphael:
The Healer

- Raphael, the "shining one who heals", is often shown holding a bottle of medicine. He
is the guardian of the Tree of Life in Eden, and the angel of the Sun. Raphael rules the Sun, the
East and Air. Although a seraph, Raphael is also mentioned as being a member of the cherubim,
domination and powers. He has been attributed as the chief of virtues, although that ranking has
also been given to Michael, and also can be considered head of the guardian angels. His most
notable appearance in scripture is his guiding of young Tobias in the apocryphal book of Tobit
where he teaches the lad about medicine and demon exorcising among other things. Also in his
role as healer, it is Raphael who eases the pain of Abraham after his circumcision, and healing
Jacob's thigh after Jacob wrestles with another angel. He is also considered to be a patron of the
sciences as well as medicine, teaching Noah how to construct the ark before the flood, and
teaching Solomon how to bind demons into slave labor when Solomon's Temple was being built.

Archangel Raphael and Music

Archangel Raphael will also give inspiration for the study and practice of music. Handel's Messiah is a very uplifting piece of music and it's no wonder, because Raphael inspired the composer to write it. If you are a mathematician or scientist, or even having problems studying these subjects at school, you can ask this versatile archangel to overshadow you because two other areas on earth he has charge of are mathematics and science.

On the world scene you can ask Raphael to repair rifts between nations and heal those injured on the battle field. He also inspires new cures for diseases.

Angel of Truth

He will help you, if you ask him, to discern spiritual and human truth. If you know someone is not being honest in a situation you can ask Raphael to expose the truth and expose the lie. God's fifth ray, which is the ray that Raphael works on, is also the ray (vibration) of truth, wholeness and vision.

Raphael and Mary have a retreat on the etheric plane (heaven-world) focused over Fatima, Portugal. You have probably heard of the miracles that have taken place due to the healing waters at Fatima.

Learn more about Raphael and  Mother Mary here


Archangel Uriel:
Bringer of Peace

- Uriel means "the fire of God" or "the face of God". He is seen holding a fiery sword at
the gate of Eden. He watches over thunder and terror. Uriel is identified as both a seraph and a
cherub, Uriel is most well known for his role as Regent of the Sun in the book of Revelation
where he calls forth the birds of the air to feast upon the fallen. As one of the most faithful and
dedicated members of the host, Uriel was also placed in charge of Tartarus (another name for
Hades), warned Noah of the impending flood (although Raphael is credited with teaching the
building of the ark), and attacked Moses for failing to circumcise his son. Accepted as an
archangel by the Church for many centuries, he was finally removed from the records in 745 CE
as the Church became increasingly concerned with the prominence the public was placing upon

Angel of Peace

You can ask him to help bring peaceful resolution to your problems in personal, social and professional relationships. He will help create a harmonious environment for nurturing creativity and growth.
He can also be called upon for the ending of war, bringing of peace and promoting brotherhood and understanding. He is waiting to be asked to help with the manifestation of divine justice in courtrooms and between nations.
Uriel serves on God's sixth ray of ministration and service, which is the most multicolored of the rays (energy streams), being purple and gold flecked with ruby.
He can be an inspiration and help for anyone who serves others such as nurses, doctors, hospice workers, counselors, teachers, judges and public servants. However, as with all the angels, he can only help when he is asked because he must respect the free will that God gave to mankind.

It is important to remember, because I don't want you getting discouraged, that when you call to him for divine justice, his answer may not be immediate. But please be assured that by your call the process will have begun. It will be fulfilled in God's time, though you may not know the outcome yourself.

Archangel Uriel in History

Archangel Uriel is not named in the Bible but you will find him in other Christian and Jewish texts. He is mentioned in the book of Enoch as one of the four archangels who guided Enoch on his journeys through heaven and the underworld. He is also said to have warned Noah of the impending flood.

Uriel and Aurora have their etheric retreat, a focus of light above the beautiful Tatra Mountains, south of Krakow in Poland. It is interesting that Uriel is also the angel of the resurrection flame which brings renewal, rebirth and rejuvenation for us. Well, you know that the phoenix is a symbol of rebirth, and would you believe it, the phoenix bird is on the Polish coat of arms! How amazing is that?

I just love these "coincidences".
Check out more about Uriel and Aurora here. 


Archangel Zadkiel:
Bringer of Joy

Zadkiel - ("Righteousness of God"): Belonging to the ranks of the dominations, and considered
by some to be chief, Zadkiel is considered an angel of mercy. It is he who holds back the hand of
Abraham to prevent the patriarch from sacrificing his son, and because of this is usually shown
holding a dagger. Also, Zadkiel is one of two standard bearers (along with Zophiel) who follow
directly behind Michael as the head archangel enters battle.

* Archangel Zadkiel is one of my favorite archangels because he brings so much joy into my world in the form of the violet flame.
He works on God's seventh ray which is the ray of light that is violet. This ray is such a high frequency that it literally scrubs us clean on the etheric level of our being.
Our negative thoughts and feelings tie up the energy that God gives us daily, and this can weigh us down. It leaves us feeling dense and unhappy.

However, if we invoke the violet flame using mantras and visualization, it transmutes the bad karma we have made (cleanses us from 'sin') leaving us feeling joyful and light.

Angel of Forgiveness

Zadkiel with his consort Holy Amethyst bring us soul freedom, justice, mercy, and forgiveness.

Have you ever noticed the wonderful joy and happiness you feel when you have truly forgiven someone? This is why Archangel Zadkiel is the bringer of joy. By enabling us to forgive with the help of the violet flame we then become joyful. I know I am certainly so much more joyful now after having given many years of violet flame mantras.

I remember the first week I started using violet flame mantras in the morning, I arrived at work each day grinning from ear to ear! It was such an amazingly happy experience. Zadkiel and his angels have been diligently dissolving the painful memories and negative traits that I have been holding on to ever since (because I keep asking them to).

Ask Archangel Zadkiel for Tolerance

You can call to Zadkiel to help you with being more tolerant and diplomatic too. If you are a scientist, engineer, architect, actor or performer he invites you to look to him for inspiration.

Isn't it painful when you see on the news another war or strife between different ethnic groups? They seem to be held in an endless round of tit-for-tat actions, getting back at their enemies for past atrocities...

Well now you no longer need feel powerless in the face of these situations because you can just send a prayer to Archangel Zadkiel and his bands of violet flame angels. Ask them to dissolve the memories of the difficulties between these people and inspire the peaceful agreements.

You can also ask Zadkiel to inspire the creative negotiation and writing of laws because justice is another interest of his.

Zadkiel and Amethyst have an etheric retreat called the Temple of Purification on the spiritual level above the islands of Cuba. You can ask the violet flame angels to take your soul there while you sleep at night.

Learn more about the violet flame or more about Zadkiel and Holy Amethyst


Specific Aspects of the Angels

Michael - Strength, honor
Gabriel - resurrection, mercy, revelation
Uriel - the fire of God, psychic phenomena
Raphael - one who heals, love and devotion
Jarahmeel - guidance, angel of true visions
Sariel - angel of knowledge, healing and faithfulness
Raguel - angel of earth, a guardian, friendship
Jophiel - awareness, enlightenment, open-mindedness and freedom of thought, and beauty
Raziel - giver of divine mysteries as well as an angel of knowledge
Zadkiel - angel of mercy, and righteousness


Angels in Theosophy

The Theosophical Society believes that:

Devas (any of the spiritual forces or beings behind nature) live in the atmospheres of the planets of the solar system (Planetary Angels) or inside the Sun (Solar Angels)

They help to guide the operation of the processes of nature such as the process of evolution and the growth of plants

They appear to be the same size as a human but made from colored flames.
Some (but not most) devas originally incarnated as human beings.

Devas can be observed when the third eye is activated.

Theosophists also believe that when the third eye is activated, nature spirits, elementals (gnomes, undines, sylphs, and salamanders), and fairies can also be observed. These beings have never lived on earth as humans and are seen as being on a specific line of spiritual evolution called the “deva evolution.” Eventually, as their reincarnate and their souls progress, they will incarnate as devas.


Angels in Christianity

It is believed that the Jewish understanding of Angels came, in part, from the Egyptians. The later Christians then took their understanding from Judaism.
Christians typically saw the Angel as a messenger from God.

The individual messengers were named
and Lucifer

By the late 400s, it was agreed that angels fell into different categories, each with their own missions and tasks.

From the years 300 to 500 AD, Angels took on the look and characteristics that we recognise today but there was disagreement about the nature of them. Some believed that they had physical bodies like humans, others said that they were totally spiritual.

Some theologians put forward that Angels were not divine but beneath the Trinity of Father, Son and Holy Ghost.


Angels in Islam

Believing in Angels is one of the six Articles of Faith – the fundamental beliefs which every Muslim must follow.

In Islam, Angels are spiritual creatures that serve Allah. They have no free will and can only do what Allah tells them to do. They are messengers who take communication to people and carry many other other responsibilities, such as testing people’s faith by curing their illness and giving them great wealth. .

Angels, such as Gabriel (thought to be the very same Gabriel as the one in the Christian New Testament), is mentioned in the Quran.

Angels are often found in Islamic art, which shows their importance.


Angels in the Kabalah

The Kabalah believes that there are four worlds, with ours being the last. Kabbalists see angels as existing in the worlds above as an extension of God who carry out his commands. After the angel has finished its’ task, it stops existing.

Kabbalists see Metratron as one of the highest angels. He is believed to be a scribe and is mentioned in the Talmud and Merkabah mystical texts.

In sacred geometry, the archangel Metatron oversees the flow of energy in a mystical cube known as Metatron’s Cube, which contains all of the geometric shapes in God’s creation. It is said to represent the patterns that make up everything God has made. These duties tie in with Metatron’s work overseeing the Tree of Life in Kabbalah. Metratron sends creative energy down from the top (the crown) of the tree toward all the parts of creation.

Michael is seen a warrior for Israel.
Gabriel is mentioned in the Bible, the Talmud and many Merkabah mystical texts.


      ~ SOPHIA ~

It's only fair to share...


RSMG - Reiki & spiritual Metaphysical Gnosis
Sincerely , Sophia Fragou