~ Instant Sun Meditation ~

~ Instant Sun Meditation  ~

~ Instant Sun Meditation ~
 by Tim Whild

Find yourself a quiet spot out in nature, or meditate in your usual room at home. Ensure that you will be undisturbed.

Visualise your 12 chakra system lighting up, and activating at a fifth dimensional frequency.

  • 1. Your Stellar Gateway, 18 inches above the top of your head, glowing bright gold.
  • 2. Your Soul Star, six inches below that, glowing bright magenta.
  • 3. Your Causal chakra, shining like the moon, just offset behind your head.
  • 4. Your Crown, glowing crystal gold.
  • 5. Your Third Eye, crystal clear but shining with a clear emerald light.
  • 6. Your Throat, royal blue.
  • 7. Your Heart, pure white with soft pink touches.
  • 8. Your Solar Plexus, pure gold.
  • 9. Your Naval, radiant orange.
  • 10. Your Sacral, the softest pink.
  • 11. Your Base, shining, swirling platinum.
  • 12. Down below your feet, the cobalt grey of your Earth Star.

As they all glow with your mastery and magnificence, visualise and intend them to become a unified column of light, stretching up to the core of Helios, the Great Central Sun, and downwards to be anchored into the core of Hollow Earth.

Invoke the presence of the Great Master Voosloo, and the Mighty Thoth. Feel them join you as you sit quietly, radiating your ascended frequency. Say aloud, or in your mind:

“I now gratefully accept my gift of the Instant Sun”

Master Voosloo now places a bright golden ball in your Solar Plexus chakra, gently smoothing the energy into place.
Feel it vibrating and glowing.

Thoth now places his hand gently upon your Crown, and speaks words of activation. You feel your chakra column thrum with a new energy from your head to your feet.

You thank them both, and they leave you.

Either aloud, or in your mind, say,

“Instant Sun, activate!”

Around you, glowing with divine force, is a high frequency Sun.

Feel it dissolving all density, thought forms, lower emotions, or cords and attachments that are not in alignment with your Master vibration.

Notice that anything that attempts to enter your space, without your permission, is immediately turned into a higher light.
Feel your aura and your fields expand into this Sun, become one with it.
Use it to send radiance and light to your immediate surroundings.

When you have meditated with it for a short while, and explored its frequency, say:

“Instant Sun, collapse”

Observe as it instantly deactivates in upon itself, taking all remaining traces of density with it.

Call now upon the Unicorns and Archangel Uriel.

Feel them gently remove a tiny diamond from your Solar Plexus and visualise it dissolving before you in a shower of sparkling light.

Thank them.

Sit quietly for a few moments, observe your pure clear energy.
Feel your fifth dimensional frequency radiating out for miles around you.

If you so choose, activate another Instant Sun to continue to hold your fields in the highest integrity.

Smile, breath, and open your eyes.

~ Tim Whild ~

The New Works of Thoth the Atlantean

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